Hello every one! This year marks the return Bells Beer Copper Harbor Trails Fest! We will be heading up there once again to this outstanding event. It is a weekend filled with mountain biking with like minded people. Every year they seem to add to this event including live music and an assortment of different bike related events. Cross country trail races, down hill, enduro and even throw in a running race. For those have you that have never been this is a very small and remote town. You will wonder how/why these world class trails had even got here. But rest assured you will not be disappointed, Copper has everything! We once again have several rooms at the Bella Vista. As always, if you were there last year and had a room, it is yours again this year unless you tell us you will not be coming. Below is the current list of people that have confirmed* and were there last year. If you are on the list and will not be there this year, please let Mandy or I know. We do have some people showing up early and /or leaving later. If you would like to go this year just let us know and we will put you on the waiting list. For those of you wanting to camp, Fort Wilkins State Park is a awesome camp ground right on Lake Fanny Hooe. It has warm showers, flush toilets and drinking water and is only 1 mile from town. We stayed there for years until we got lazy. There is also a more primitive camp ground just west of town that is another option. It is a little more primitive how ever.

Please feel free to ask any questions, we've done this been before. Util then Cheers everyone.


*Room 1-Mandy & Patrick
Room 3-Shane & Chad
*Room 4-Zach, Heather , Drew
Room 5-Kris Lerschen-John Killeen
*Room 7-Curt Caswell Fri-Mon
Room 8-Krud Davis & Meg
Room 9-Jason Kauzlarich
*Room 14-Brian & Ann Kingsbury
*Room 15-Dave & Carol Brown
Room 16-Meg & Garth
Room 17-Bruce Houzenga
Room 22-Jake & Kari Rolfs
*Room 24-Joe & Kelley Porter
*Room 26-Charlie and Jeff Kranz
*Room 27-Aaron & Shannon

Cabin 1. Andy & Vonda