Okay, this sounds like a blast... but as a newish MTB rider (since late last summer) and 47 yrs old and slightly overweight and no other friends who are dumb enough to do this with me, is this really a smart thing for me to do? I mean, my head says "don't do it dummy" but my heart says "don't miss out on an opportunity to ride with other crazy people down a freakin' creek". SMH

A few questions...

1) Is a fat bike needed for this or do riders attempt it with regular MTB tires?
2) Is it a NMTBLB event (no mountain biker left behind) if I have a hard time keeping up?
3) Where the heck is the lower parking area? I have ridden duck creek bike trail a couple of times and I understand it goes under the bridge right by Treehouse Pub, but I don't recall the parking area or how to get to it.

I have a Trek Marlin 5 with 2.0/2.2" tires and I just purchased a Fuel EX 5 with 2.66" tires but I'd prefer not to ride that when I know I'm going to fall a lot, lol.

So just give it to me straight... dumb idea or do it anyway, and why?