They need our help! Healthy Habits, Crawford Brewing, 5 Cities Brewing, Geneseo Brewing, Ruby's, Bike and Hike, Oveja Negra, Rebellion Cycles, - I know I'm forgetting some and I'm sorry- but the groups that have supported FORC need our help now. A lot of people are out of work and it's going to get worse so for those of us who still have the means...

ITS IMPORTANT that we order food, drink beer, ride hard and break stuff more now than ever!! Judge your level of comfort and act accordingly. Sorya and I are still going to go for a bike ride when trails are open, we're just not going to shake hands and hug you like we used to. Or lick the doorknobs on our way there.

If you're part of FORC- you've made meeting with friends to have food and eats a part of your life. Well- IF YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH IT- wash your hands, clean your place and- if you feel comfortable- have a small group over. You don't have to shake hands and hug to enjoy each others company and our sponsors need OUR SUPPORT.

And when you order, leave a big tip and tell them the Friends of Off road Cycling supports them!!

Slow the Spread- Support our sponsors- these two things are NOT mutually exclusive.

Just make sure you lock up your toilet paper.