AG - here's my summary from working out there on and off the last week and riding all the north section and Tarmac this morning. You probably know most of this already.

- north section is fully clear of any down trees and didn't notice any face slappers
- short portions of north green loop need trimmed. Most of Canon needs trimmed
- Tarmac is fully trimmed on the west wooded area. I need to finish the shorter wooded area to the east and there's a few face slappers. There's 2 down trees on the 2nd broadwalk. The grass section needs mowed
- I haven't seen it, but I know someone trimmed about half of Jumbo on the 10th. He says there's 6 or 7 trees down

I was surprised on the condition of the north section. Much better than I thought it would be considering the conditions. Thanks to all those who've been putting in the time and work to get it rideable again.

I'll plan to be there earlier on Sunday morning to finish trimming Tarmac and will come over to turtle bridge when complete. If I can find the time, I'll come over on Saturday afternoon too.
