If you haven't heard, The Last Revel is playing the Raccoon Motel on Sunday, November 11th. If you have seen The Last Revel or have been to the Raccoon Motel, you probably already have tickets. If you haven't, you better get your tickets tonight - there are less than 20 left! Get your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-las...ts-50140014132

To sweeten the experience, we are going to add a ride that afternoon. So check out the Sunday Funday itinerary:

3:00 - Meet at Sunderbruch (Sylvan will be the backup plan)
Until 5:00 - alternate riding, tailgating, riding...
5:30 - Dinner in DT Dav (TBD)
6:30 - Raccoon Motel
7:00 - Music
Until 9:00 - Experience the joy of having your face melted off by Banjo, Stand Up Bass and Melodic Vocals!

Monday - It's Veteran's Day. Take the day off and thank a Vet for the freedom that you get to have awesome weekends like this one!