Looks like the ground isn't going to freeze anytime soon so I'm planning a trial move of the beams this weekend to see if it's possible with the thawed ground. Goal is to get them staged near the bridge site and ready to move across the ravine on Feb. 25-26th.

Meeting this Saturday (2/18) at 11:00 am at Dorrance. We'll be working from the clearing at the top of the fire road just north of the ball diamonds (see map below). If you arrive late, the main gate will be closed but unlocked. Please close it behind you if you drive up.

Click to enlarge.

The first task will be to clear a path (sawing out deadfall & removing brush) to haul the beams in. Then, loading a beam on the dolly and rolling it downhill into the ravine. We may also need to construct a temporary log causeway over a swampy area to get the dolly through.

Tools/equipment that would be helpful:
  • Cable/Chain Hoist (we have one, could use another, needs to lift/lower 700lbs)
  • Tow Straps & Rope (working load of >700lbs)
  • Chainsaw with PPE (chaps, gloves, & eye protection at minimum per Ranger's orders)

I'll also have a few rogue hoes & pruning saws available for clearing. A group of 5-6 people would be ideal. Let me know if you're coming.