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Thread: Inaugural FORCn Duro - by the numbers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    FORC Re-noobie

    Default Inaugural FORCn Duro - by the numbers

    WOW -- what a difficult challenge!

    11 hours start to finish, almost 85 miles in beating sun, brutal humidity and 90F+ temps, the inaugural FORCn Duro will not soon to be forgotten.

    Excellent job by the SAG chief Mandy Porter (G-beck), my wife Amber, Megan, Jordan, THE Browns, SteveO and everyone else!
    It could NOT have been done without their support - check these SAG numbers:
    2 gallons coffee, 25+ gallons of water/gatorade, 10 lbs bananas, 5 lbs grapes, 3 pineapples, 4 packs cookies and 36 bagels consumed, plus lunch & many assorted beverages along the route.

    Big thanks to the Grove Tap opening at 11AM just for us, normally 3pm daily -- great place to stop for ice cold draft + burger after a WBP or SCP ride.

    Remarkable job by all persons attempting the Duro!
    Demanding heat/humidity conditions forced many to make the smart and very respectable decision of knowing when to say when -- there were ZERO heat casualties.

    Over 40 riders did parts of the Duro; 26 signing up to attempt the whole course, in the end these 11 persons completed everything (please let me know if I missed anyone):
    • Matt Collier
    • Len Guldenpfennig
    • Drew Hanson
    • Fred Johnson
    • Vonda Johnston
    • Brian Kingsbury
    • Michael Kinney
    • Ray Nees
    • Ryan Neipert
    • Ry Schultz
    • Chris True

    Congratulations to all whom rode part or all of the route, and HUGE THANKS to the entire support team, the inaugural FORCn Duro was a stellar success!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    In a glass case of emotion.


    What a day! Thanks to everyone that helped out with support and for putting up with my complaining for the last half of the day. By far the longest I have ridden a bike in one day and Sunday didn't let me forget that! I literally lost 10 lbs during that ride from the heat. Good Times!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    Nicely done Guldy. Thanks for organizing a great ride. The seamlessness of the event shows how much work you and the sag crew put into planning it.

    More praise to the sag crew. I started overheating after Sunderbruch and wasn't sure I was going to make it to/past Stephen's but they helped me cool down and I was able to finish. By far the hardest ride I have ever done. It still feels like I'm trying to replace the lost calories.

    Most demoralizing moment: Turning south onto the long stretch of gravel road and seeing a series of rolling hills extending to the horizon.
    Most uplifting moment: Seeing the sag stop and a small patch of shade along that same section of road. And the food table next to cousin Eddie at the end of the day.

    Taking photos became a secondary priority as the day progressed, but I did get a few. Click the image below to see them.

  4. #4


    Add one more! That was a fun ride. Way different experience riding to the trails.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014


    FORCn Duro - Something to start talking about during the monthly meeting....going to have another one this year?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    I hope there's a 2016 Duro. Maybe we can do it on a day that isn't +90F though... Fall would be nice.

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