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Thread: 2014 Illiniwek Volunteer Hour Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director

    Default 2014 Illiniwek Volunteer Hour Log

    Log your 2014 Illiniwek trail work hours here. Please include, who, what, when, how many hours were volunteered, and the running total of volunteer hours in your post.

    4/1-2/14: Drew [3.25 hrs] - Clearing leaves.

    4/4/14: Sergio. Steve B. Drew [6.75 hrs] - Finishing reroute by log hut on south loop.

    4/6/14: John, Deb, Sergio, Brandon, Drew [12 hrs] - Tread maintenance on north loop; added berm on north loop.

    4/10/14: John, Derrek, Russ, Drew [8 hrs] - Added dirt mounds over exposed oak roots on Hubbard Rd. section of south loop.

    4/12/14: Sergio, Drew [4 hrs] - Repairing berm and approach to oak bridge on south loop, positioned logs for new berm on sledding hill climb on south loop.

    Total: 34 hrs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    5/22 2 hrs trail maintenance on north loop and rebuild of berm with pavers
    6/5 1 hr south loop trimming and trail maintenance

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    6/27 2 hrs topped off logs for log ride

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    4/16/2014 - South Loop - Drew - 2.0 hrs - TTF work.

    4/17/2014 - South Loop - John, Dave W., Drew - 6.0 hrs - Building berm at top of sledding hill trail.

    4/24/2014 - South Loop - Michelle, Derrek B., Dave W. Sergio, Drew - 12.5 hrs - Working on reroute around fall line trail across ravine. Cleared & grubbed corridor and rehabbed old trail section.

    4/25/2014 -South Loop - John, Dave W., Sergio, Drew - 8.5 hrs - Finished reroute from 4/24. Built two large mounds over surface roots

    5/6/2014 - North Loop -Drew - 0.5 hrs - Removed fallen tree near log over features.

    5/11/2014 - South Loop & Connector - Drew - 1.5 hrs - Repaired collapsed retaining wall near trailhead; added drains near drop-off to divert runoff and stop erosion in the area.

    5/18/2014 - North Loop - John, Deb, Dave W., Drew - 8.0 hrs - Garlic mustard removal along north loop descent and overlook trail. Stopped once we reached the overlook clearing. Collected ~5 bags.

    5/22/2014 - North Loop - John, Mike H., Sergio, Drew - 9.0 hrs - Fixed area with poor drainage near north loop trailhead. Added dirt to berm on connector trail directly behind north loop kiosk. Made improvements to armored berm on north loop descent trail.

    6/4/2014 - South Loop - Drew, Scott S., Chris - 5.5 hrs – Re-graded berms on old south loop to drain properly Improved drainage in areas where water was flowing down the length of the trail by adding small rolling grade drains and adding knicks to water collection areas to prevent pooling. Scott and Chris did trail trimming.

    6/5/2014 - South Loop - John, Sergio, Paul C., Mike H., Vonda, Paul S., Dave W., Drew - 13.0 hrs - Trimming trails and minor dirt work to improve drainage. Improved corner on reroute near dip close to Hubbard Rd. [S10]

    6/6/2014 - North Loop - John, Dave W., Bryan M., Steve B., Dave B., Carol B., Drew - 14.0 hrs - Trimming trails and minor dirt work to improve drainage.

    6/12/2014 - South Loop: S7 - John, Dave W., Sergio, Drew - 9.5 hrs - Moving logs for TTF near fire ring. Log arch broke so we used log rollers and a chain winch to pull the logs into position.

    6/13/2014 - South Loop: S12 - Drew - 0.5 hrs - Removed fallen tree just into the woods on Hubbard Rd trail.

    6/18/2014 - South Loop: S7, S5 - Drew, Sergio - 3.5 hrs - Moved logs for log ride near fire ring, cut out fallen tree on section S5.

    6/20/2014 - South Loop: S7 - Sergio, Mike C., Scott S., Drew - 9.8 hrs - Moving Logs for TTF.

    6/27/2014 - South Loop: S7 - Sergio, Mike C., Mike H., Drew - 11.0 hrs - Moved last log into position. Cut and removed top of logs to make tread surface.

    6/28/2014 - South Loop: S7 - Mike C., Drew - 3.0 hrs - Cleared fallen tree on S14 near field exit. Finished log ride.

    2014 Total: 146.8 hrs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hampton, IL
    Board Position
    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    • 7/1/14 - North Loop - John B., Dave W., Drew - 9 hrs - Storm cleanup.
    • 7/2/14- South Loop - John B., Dave W., Dave (from Parkview), Darren, Drew - 14 hrs - Storm cleanup.
    • 7/3/14 - Overlook, South Loop - John B., Drew - 4 hrs -Storm cleanup.
    • 7/8/14 - North Loop, Conector - Drew - 2 hrs - Deadfall cleanup, maintenance.
    • 7/23-24/14 - South Loop: S25 - Drew - 2 hrs - Trail layout.
    • 8/1/14 - N17 - Drew - 3 hrs - Repairing berm on S-turn section.
    • 8/6/14 - N17 - John, Drew - 2 hrs - Berm repair.
    • 8/20/14 - South & North Loop - Drew - 1 hrs - Corridor trimming.
    • 8/22/14 - South Loop S24-S25 - Drew - 1 hrs - Trail layout.
    • 9/7/14 - South Loop S24-S25 - Drew - 2 hrs - Trail layout
    • 9/12/14 - South Loop S24-S25 - Mike H., Drew - 3 hrs - Corridor clearing
    • 9/14/14 - South Loop S24-S25 - John, Vonda, Becky B., Mike (from silvis), Russ, Dave D., Drew, Scott S., Paul S. - 33 hrs - Reroute dirtwork and clearing. Finished 80% of the benchwork.
    • 9/18/14 - South Loop: S24-S25, S20 - John B., Dave W., Russ B., Sergio M., Drew - 10 hrs - Building berms and rollers. Repaired berm on upper south loop in S20
    • 9/28/14 - North Loop; N6 - John B., Dave W., Amie, Fred, Vonda, Josh, Sergio, Drew - 24 hrs - Rebuilt berm, improved drainage on steeper sections of trail by adding small rolling grade dips, deberming in low areas to keep water from pooling
    • 10/1/14 - South Loop; S21 - John, Russ, Drew - 8 hrs - Built short and steep log ride TTF on south loop.
    • 10/2/14 - South Loop; S11-S13 - Sergio, Mike C., Drew - 6 hrs - Added rolling grade dip drains (7) and deberming along the trail which parallels Hubbard Rd.
    • 10/21/14 - South Loop; S24, S3 - Jeff K, Darwin W., Mike C., Dave W., Derrek B., Drew - 11 hrs - Set posts for boardwalk. Spaced at 7.5' on 24" centers, used ~6" black locust posts. 10 posts in total. Also replaced 4 rotted posts on berm near ranger house and replaced dirt which had slumped off.
    • 11/6/14 - South Loop; S24 - Drew - 1 hrs - Trail layout.
    • 11/12/14 - South Loop; S24 - Drew - 2 hrs - Laying out switchberm post locations.
    • 11/13/14 - South Loop; S24 - Drew, John, Russ - 3 hrs - Laying out switchberm post locations.
    • 11/14/14 - South Loop; S24 - Drew, John - 4 hrs - Laying out ground berm post locations and area survey.
    • 11/15/14 - South Loop; S24 - Russ, Sergio, Jon, Becky, Darwin, Dave W., Drew - 23 hrs - Transporting materials, Unloading posts for structures.
    • 11/16/14 - South Loop; S24 - John, Deb, Brandon, Mike, Mike C., Sergio, Bill S., Russ B., Scott S., Dave W., Drew - 48 hrs - Hauled posts to work area, dug post holes for switchberm, set 8 posts.

    2014 Total: 365 hrs

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