Received word from my good buddy that works for the Downtown Davenport Partnership about this and wanted me to spread the word to the local bike community. They have a goal of continuing to make the downtown and Davenport in general more biker friendly.

I think this is great news that we have people working to make this happen with the bike community in mind- for lots of reasons besides the obvious. Next time you see the guys that work for the DDP, let them know we appreciate what they do and to keep it up! I have seen this stand in person and it is really nice. All the basic tools you would need to make the most common repairs.

I will send this forum link to my buddy that helped to make this happen as he is open to suggestions as to where more locations would benefit from such bike stations. Obviously this first one, located in front of Great River Brewery on East 2nd St., is a great location! It's also right across the street from their headquarters so they can keep an eye on it.

Keep in mind, this is the Downtown partnership, so as rad as it would be to see one at SBP or other local trails, they are more interested in the downtown area as of now.

Thanks again to Downtown Davenport Partnership!