This is something I have been thinking about a lot recently. I see walkers on Kickapoo Down all the time. Nearly every time I am out there, I see someone on the trail other a bike rider going down. I was thinking of signage at the same spot on the trails where they meet by the banked corner. Some thing along the lines of "DO NOT CROSS TRAILS" or "STAY ON YOUR TRAIL" and also at the top and bottom of the trails put additional signs that say something like "BIKE DOWN ONLY - HIKERS USE KICKAPOO UP" and "DO NOT ENTER". It seems enough people don't want to stop and actually read the signs so if we did additional signs that can be read clearly while walking/jogging, it may solve some of our problems. It might not be the most aesthetically pleasing thing to see these extra signs out in the woods, but I think it's worth it due to the danger walking on Kickapoo Down causes. I'll bring this up at the next meeting. Thanks for posting up about it.