Hopefully most FORC members have seen their new trail status sign at Sunderbruch.

I come here offering clarification.

"OFF ROAD TRAILS" encompasses all of the dirt singletrack within the park.

"CLOSED" means the off-road trails are closed to all users--hikers, bikers, runners, dog walkers, stoners, drinkers, hipsters, handicappers, quadriplegic'ers, wheelchair'ers, unicyclers, tall bikers, fat bikers, handwalkers, nightwalkers, crawlers, toddlers, and zombies. As well as any other "ers" you can categorize yourself as.

"OPEN" means the off-road trails are open to all users.

If there are any further questions on whether the signage applies to you, please don't hesitate to ask one of your fellow FORC members.

FORC will continue to educate and inform our community how using the trails in poor conditions damages and negatively impacts the environment, among other things.

That concludes today's PSA. Thank you for your time.