This is the 10th year IMBA has promoted this event. It will be the second year for FORC.
Please invite your friends to bring their kids to this event. Would love to have 15-20 kids participate in the mornings activities.

Want to introduce your kids to Mountain Biking? Maybe they want to introduce you! Well come to this family event and learn more about the sport and also get out and ride or walk the trails to see what it is all about.
Kids of all ages will enjoy this. We will have some simple obstacles set up in the lower area. This is where we will have some healthy snacks and also some smores! Moderation is key right?!? :)
For those that are ready we can head out on some actual trails for short 15-45 minutes ride. No cost to attend and the kids might even win some free stuff! So no excuses!!! BRING THE FAMILY.

Also Bike One will be on site for MINOR adjustments at no charge!

It will be low key and laid back. What happens will be dictated by the age and skill of who shows up.

Would be great to have 5-10 volunteers on hand to help set up a swag table and some basic obstacles.