I love my Surly, for a lot of reasons. I would be more than happy with any fat bike, but Surly just fits me.

I love the idea of steel and the components are pretty good for what you pay. Surly is an awesome bike company with the same values and mindset I have when on a (fat) bike. Go to their website and read. Good stuff.

I also own one because I get it from a bike shop (Bike & Hike) that I am loyal to and treat me right. There isn't a price you can put on that- they take care of any problem I have right away and know what I like.

On One makes and affordable bike, but I'm not sure you'd want to go 1x right off the bat. It's nice having that small ring up front in the snow/sand/mud.

I haven't seen the specs on the Norco, but at that price I'm not sure the componentry is that great. No idea on the wheels or tires that come stock. Or availability for that matter...is there a local dealer?

Salsa is a rad bike, but seem a little pricey. I'm not sure what the new ones are going for.

Trek is another I have no idea about, but they make a solid bike otherwise.

907 and the like are above my price range, but I'm sure they are great bikes.

I'm with Mielke, you won't go wrong. I would encourage buying local- it pays in the long run.

Cheers to fat biking!