Well For my Age group which is 19-24 Im usually one of the youngest people out of all my friends to actually ride trails.. I don't think my age group really thinks its worth going out to Scott or Sunderbruch just to ride a bike. I try to get people that I know that are athletic or there not to ride.
I would say my success rate is maybe 1 out of 20 people I ask.. Thats not very good haha. I do have a group of friends I know that are in Hs to out of college but that is about 6 people total. I just think its a shame that not many people ride at all.. It gets you to be more independent and its a great work out and a thrill.

I did mange to see a 4 other people on the trials I was riding today! I ride almost everyday somewhere so Its nice seeing more people and more starters.