Want a great spot to watch the FORC Side Thrill Ride? Sign up now to be a Course Marshal for the race! You will get a track side seat for all the excitement, dirt, sweat, flying bike parts, and a stylin walkie talkie! But wait, there’s more! In addition you will get the undying gratitude of FORC and about a thousand “hey thanks for doing this” from the participants.
No experience is required. Course Marshalls monitor a section of the race course. They encourage the racers, watch for cheating (never happens) and report injuries or mechanical problems. It's really easy and kind of fun!
We will need about 10-12 more people as marshals so please post up and reserve your spot. No need to sign up again if you alraedy posted. Let us know if you are racing and which race, so we don't schedule you to do both. You can help with 1, 2 or all the races… and unlike mustaches, boom boxes are encouraged.

If watching the wheels go round n' round aint your thing. Volunteers are needed for Registration, Merchandise and Set Up/Clean Up. Please post up and give a little time so everybody can enjoy the day without working too hard.