N, Cool!

As we get closer to having real trail days we'll be sure to keep everyone posted.

A VERY BIG thanks to Bex for keeping her fingers on the pulse of this project!! It was only a few months ago that the request to appoint a steward and begin some preliminary work on Sylvan received a loud and lasting round of laughter from many board members- due to the never ending list of obstacles that seemed to pop up any time there was a hint of the project moving forward. Certainly an understandable initial response considering the delays of the last 4 years!

But thanks to a FORC member (Bex) paying attention, taking time off work to go to the City Council meetings when it was on the agenda and keeping in touch with the change of administration at Moline Parks- for 4 years- FORC is able to be in the right place at the right time.

Nice Job, Becky. You da, Girl!

Sweet Weeping Jesus, Peeps- would it be possible to have a time trial at Sylvan late THIS YEAR?! Who'd a ever thunk it?!

Keep your fingers crossed!