
for what it's worth, I started out on clipless SPDs (520s) and upgraded to the XTR SPD. Rode the pedal for a while and after talking with a few dudes in the club, decided to try egg beaters. I picked up a set of the SLs and haven't looked back.

I felt a difference between the two in that with the SPD I either felt *seriously* clipped-in, or really loosey-goosey. I had trouble when my cleat/pedals were muddy, and overall had more problems than I should have with the SPDs. I feel that the egg beaters offer some side-to-side *float* but I still have full confidence that I am attached to the bike. I have not yet had an issue with coming unclipped, or not being able to unclip in extreme situations. And, with 4 points of entry in the egg beaters, clipping in happens very quick and often without even thinking about it.

you should know as well as anybody on this forum to take online reviews for what they are - online reviews. My thinking is that the majority of reviews you will read are biased based on the fact that the reviewer may not have the best frame of reference. Instead, they post up a good review to justify the money they just spent.

If you want, I will lend you a set of egg beaters to try out...

...just my $.02