Quote Originally Posted by Kranz33 View Post
Most people that are reading this thread or the forum will respect the trails. How much of the trail abuse is due to unaware people (granted it should be obvious when to stay off)? Is there anyway to post closed signs at the trail head like at SCP? I know it is easier there because of a ranger and you have already processed this but the people who respect the trails don't get to use them while idiots (unaware people) continue to ride.
I was wondering the same thing. Couldn't we put a sign right in front of the the bridge that just says "Mountain Bike Trails: Open/Closed" I know it would be a bit of a hassle to get out there and change the sign all of the time but it might help with some of these issues. I am in that area quite a bit and would be willing run down there and change the sign if someone asked me to do it, I think there is plenty of people that would be willing to do that.