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Thread: Sylvan Island Closing

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United States


    Craptastic news. At least I can take my boy out there one more time....this is really depressing we both like riding there and its good for him cause loops are short easy enough and plenty of places for us to move over for ppl to pass... plus being where me and him both rode trails for the first time. Damn it I just need to win the lottery this weekend so I can pay to have it fixed

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Colona IL.


    It looks like the city has left it out of the budget since 1995 not even a paint job?
    Get out and ride !!

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Ride this weekend?

    So, the article about the meeting said, "Fencing to block each end of the bridge will be installed Monday. Right now, there only is a sign stating that the bridge is closed." However, this site says the Island is still open. The question is, can I take the kids for one last ride on the Island this weekend?

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Rock Island, IL


    Officially, the bridge is closed and is not to be traversed. Fencing to keep people off the bridge will be installed on Monday. The park was clear that it is not the island that is being closed but rather the bridge leading to the island (and that the island will still be accessible by boat). FORC will probably be making some designation in the near future on our trail openings and closings section.
    I wanna ride!

  5. #55
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    Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by dhoffmanz View Post
    So, the article about the meeting said, "Fencing to block each end of the bridge will be installed Monday. Right now, there only is a sign stating that the bridge is closed." However, this site says the Island is still open. The question is, can I take the kids for one last ride on the Island this weekend?
    I've been told that one would be trespassing by being on the bridge, and could technically be arrested. It's anyone's guess whether this will be enforced over the weekend and once on the island if you are still trespassing or not...technicalities would abound.

  6. #56
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    Rock Island, IL


    The city was clear that the PARK is not closed, just the bridge because of safety concerns. They said that the park is still open and accessible via boat. Trespassing can be dealt in court as an ordinance violation or if they want to play hardball, as a misdemeanor. Either would suck. I didn't get a feel for whether they will be policing the bridge over the weekend until the fencing and gates get installed.
    I wanna ride!

  7. #57


    I'm just as bummed about this as everyone else, but as we all know: money is what makes the world go round. I think if we started brainstorming ways to raise money for the repairs, it would be a good idea I have a group of about 15 Palmer bikers that are just as bummed and willing to contribute time and effort.
    A great fundraising idea would be to do a duck creek cleanup. I commute daily on duck creek and after the recent flooding, it is a dump. I'm talking plastic sleds, bags, random garbage. We can find sponsors to pledge something like a certain $ ammount per pound of garbage that we clean up. I'm sure papa johns would donate some pizzas for lunch too. I would contact the local newspapers and media for more awareness and possibly sponsors. The money we raise could go into an account and collect interest until Moline has a cost estimate or idea for the bridge.
    I put together a similar event in high school for my senior graduation project it turned out great and is still a yearly success.

    Thoughts, suggestions?

  8. #58
    Join Date
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    Hampton, IL
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    Trail Steward - Illiniwek; Web Director


    Quote Originally Posted by Chiro_biker View Post
    I'm just as bummed about this as everyone else, but as we all know: money is what makes the world go round. I think if we started brainstorming ways to raise money for the repairs, it would be a good idea I have a group of about 15 Palmer bikers that are just as bummed and willing to contribute time and effort.
    A great fundraising idea would be to do a duck creek cleanup. I commute daily on duck creek and after the recent flooding, it is a dump. I'm talking plastic sleds, bags, random garbage. We can find sponsors to pledge something like a certain $ ammount per pound of garbage that we clean up. I'm sure papa johns would donate some pizzas for lunch too. I would contact the local newspapers and media for more awareness and possibly sponsors. The money we raise could go into an account and collect interest until Moline has a cost estimate or idea for the bridge.
    I put together a similar event in high school for my senior graduation project it turned out great and is still a yearly success.

    Thoughts, suggestions?
    That sounds like a great idea. It would be great PR for everyone involved, a proactive solution for the bridge, and a benefit to the communities surrounding the path. It sounds like you are interested in leading the project. Would you like to make a presentation at the membership meeting on May 6th at Sippi's in Davenport?

  9. #59
    Join Date
    May 2010


    "We can find sponsors to pledge something like a certain $ ammount per pound of garbage that we clean up."

    If we are going by "per pound" I say we clean up Sylvan Island. There is lots of heavy **** out there!

  10. #60


    I would head it up. What are some things to have prepared for the presentation? You can pm me details about how it is done. Thanks!

  11. #61
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Moline, IL


    Quote Originally Posted by acw4red View Post
    "We can find sponsors to pledge something like a certain $ ammount per pound of garbage that we clean up."

    If we are going by "per pound" I say we clean up Sylvan Island. There is lots of heavy **** out there!
    Haha. Would need a barge to haul it away.

  12. #62
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Rock Island, IL


    What a GREAT idea! I will be a garbage-a-pickin-up-queen!
    I wanna ride!

  13. #63
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Port Boredom, IL


    If we had a barge we could just park it in the slough as a bridge ya?

  14. #64
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    United States


    Man the city just needs to see how many ppl go out there. It was busy out there today, alot of ppl especially in the mid-later afternoon. Most ppl I have seen out there except on race day. Everyone just ignored the bridge closed sign (including myself hehe). One last ride till who knows when, but Ill have patience on the matter if SCOCOPA would get opened up. Sad day telling my son its the last time we can ride there for a while cause they are closing the bridge off completely.

  15. #65
    Join Date
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    St. Charles, MO

    Default Duo from St. Louis

    My fiance and I escaped the rain last weekend from St. Louis and the rain and headed north. We went up to the Quad Cities area to mountain bike some of their trails. We first went to Sylvan Island in Moline, but were told by a local biker from FORC (didn't get his name, but thanks to the gut in the Honda Element) that there was a Cop kicking folks off the island because they have deemed the foot bridge to be unsafe, and thus closing the bridge. So we headed over to Illiniwek Park in Rack Island. This is the newest trail in the area with some great climbing flowy trail. The banked turns are reinforced and well designed for holding your speed. We were informed that Sunderbruch park was now open from their last rain so we headed over to Davenport to ride that trail. What an awesome trail. We ran into another FORC rider, Augie, and chatted with him for a bit. Loved the features put into this park.

    You FORC guys are great at building trails. I've been building trails down here locally in St. Louis with our local mountain biking group, GORC, for about 7 years now. I wish we were allowed to build in some of the features you have built. All of our technical features are natural. We do have some challenging trails, but it would be nice to build bridges and steps.

    Keep up the great work and I hope to get back up there soon.

    Mark Davis aka skibum

  16. #66
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    anyone see the dispatch front page today?
    seems as Moline has 54,000$ for two TIF studies and another 24,000$ to buy a random house or two by green valley sports complex.
    I can see that 75,000$ish going to a big hunk of sylvan island bridge or a bridge "fix study"

  17. #67
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Colona IL.


    I am sure there is more to the story probably to close to arsenal island for homeland security if you have noticed they have been slowly blocking these bridges
    Get out and ride !!

  18. #68
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by bleedfororbea View Post
    anyone see the dispatch front page today?
    seems as Moline has 54,000$ for two TIF studies and another 24,000$ to buy a random house or two by green valley sports complex.
    I can see that 75,000$ish going to a big hunk of sylvan island bridge or a bridge "fix study"
    Those things were almost certainly earmarked to those projects long before the bridge showed up on the radar, AND, we are talking about different departments. Just the way government works unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on which side you're on).

  19. #69
    Join Date
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    pirate island
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    Vice President


    what about THIS!
    the club could buy these for cheap to span the gap!

  20. #70
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Colona IL.


    Get out and ride !!

  21. #71
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Rock Island, IL

    Default City's Historic Preservation Commission presentation 5/13/13 at 4 PM

    FORCers, I just received an email advising of a 4 PM meeting today. I plan to attend. Here is the content of the email:

    The City's Historic Preservation Commission will be meeting Monday, May 13 at 4:00p.m. in the COW (Committee of the Whole Room in Moline City Hall). Curt Roseman will be making a presentation regarding the history of the Sylvan Island bridges. I am extending an invitation to you and members of the Park Board to attend this meeting.

    The Preservation Commission is charged by city ordinance to review and advise the City Council regarding Moline's historic properties and it considers the Sylvan Island bridge and Sylvan Island itself to be an important part of the city's early history. The Commission recognizes the dedicated work done over a period of many years, mostly by volunteers, that has helped convert Sylvan Island into an outstanding natural urban park. We understand the closing of the Sylvan Island pedestrian bridge was done due to concerns for the public's safety, but the temporary closing of the historic bridge is something the Commission hopes can be rectified in the near future and the Island opened once again to the public.

    Following Commissioner Roseman's presentation, the Preservation Commission will be discussing what options may be available to the City for retaining and repairing the bridge. Your comments and those of the Park Board would be welcome.
    I wanna ride!

  22. #72
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Rock Island, IL


    The meeting is being held in the council chambers which is the top floor of city hall (619 - 16th Street, Moline). The meeting agenda:

    1. Introduction of Guests
    2. Approval of Minutes

    3. Reports:
    A. DRI & NW Depot –Update
    B. Sears Warehouse-Amtrak depot update
    C. Berglund Bldg. update
    D. Skinner Block & Skinner Annex-update
    E. Davis Building-Former Collectors Center
    Pending Hotel plans
    F. Other Historic Moline Center Buildings-Report on tour of former Grant bldg.

    4. Old Business:
    A. John Deere House 12th Street Wall & Demolition of J.D. Carriage House
    B. Main Street: Update
    C. Belgium Bluff - update
    D. Façade improvements – Downtown, Uptown, Ave. of Cities & Old Towne
    E. City Hall celebrates 100 years (1913 to 2013)
    F. Other

    5. New Business
    A. Review of IHPA April training session for HPC & Main Street Façade Com. presented by Catherine O’Connor & Anthony Rubano
    B. Discussion of Ill. Historic Property Tax Assessment Freeze Program
    C. Potential Historic Districts?
    D. Sylvan Island Bridge – Update by Commissioner Roseman
    E. Nominations and elections of HPC officers for the upcoming year 2013 -14
    F Other

    6. Announcements
    (MPS) May 28th Butterworth Ctr. Library 7:00p.m. Speaker: Gayle Rein “Logging on the Mississippi” --- Public is Welcome
    Annual State Preservation Conference June 27 to 29 Evanston, Illinois

    7. Adjournment ---- Next meeting June 10, 2013
    I wanna ride!

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