There was a group formed over a decade ago, Friends of Sylvan Island, that was responsible for clean up of the island, the decks around the perimeter of the island, and I think the metal fish signs. The founder is a neighbor of my parents, though he is quite aged now. I emailed his daughter earlier this morning asking whether the organization remains intact and whether they have a 501(c)(3). I also emailed the City of Moline parks director about the condition of the structure and their engineer's thoughts as far as scope of this project. I also reached out to River Action, John Deere, Kone and a couple other people/places that may have connections. It's not a good expenditure of City funds as they have more pressing matters like streets and sewers to attend to, but as a community outreach project, perhaps...

After I posted something on Facebook, I received a few helpful messages about people that may have connections/resources. I will offer an update when I hear from a few of these preliminary contacts.