The plans are really coming together. Thanks in advance to all those who will be submitting a chili. The trophy, if you haven't seen it, yet, is absolutely sick! Believe me, you will really WANT to win, so don't shoot yourself in the foot by adding a flipping pig's hoof in your chili. When you see the trophy you are forfeiting by making a nasty chili, you will immediately regret it!

Also, thanks to the efforts of so many we will have music, swag, merchandise, door prizes, LBS gift certificates and all kinds of great stuff to be had and enjoyed.

And don't forget this year something new: The 1st Annual Gunchie Awards will be handed out!

Best Chili of the Year
Best FORC'n Moment of the Year
Best FORC'n Inanimate Object of the Year

Who will win? There's only one person who knows. Watch this thread to see if you or something you represent will receive a nomination.

BTW, a sh!tload of people are RSVP'd for this party. Who's scared? I'm not scared.