I tried to do a little research on what group might best take the lead on such a thing and am not having much luck. My first thought was QC TAG, but I don't think they have a website. Their facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/qctag might be a good place to find some folks interested in leading something. I know they do some events in May that this might fit into. Some folks at the Bi State Regional Commission might be of help. http://www.bistateonline.org/index_ns.shtml They do a lot with local transportation planning including, bridges, rail, bus, trails, and cycling.

I am sure there are some in the club that would participate and support such an event. However I don't think that it relates close enough to our core mission to be something we would try and take the lead on.

If you learn of something please let us know. Though off-road cycling is what brings us to this forum almost all of us enjoy anytime on a bicycle!
