This is the question our membership is going to decide over the next 3-4 months.

What is the IMBA Chapter Program?

The chapter program is IMBA’s newest initiative to create a unified voice for mountain bikers. Simply put, the mountain bike movement is stronger when local and national organizations work in tandem to create great trail experiences. IMBA has the professional full-time staff, the database capabilities and the institutional knowledge to make an impact, while local clubs have the relationships and (most importantly) the trails. Together, we can increase access and bring more people to the ride!

The Chapter program is based on joint membership; one renewal, one card, one voice. To achieve this, IMBA will handle all the back office processes of joining, reducing administrative burdens and providing chapters with the tools for success.

We are working to schedule a visit from IMBA’s regional director, Hansi Johnson, to discuss why we might want to become a Chapter.

Be involved with this decision by attending meetings, reading the forum and ultimately coming to vote.