...Like me. Today at SBP, I crashed on a non-approved berm built on the Green loop. I rode up on it, it gave out, I twisted my handle bars around as my wheel sunk into the soft dirt and I slammed my wrist into the trail. Hopefully, I didn't break it, but it's getting hard to lift a full can of beer with it tonight so the prognosis is not too good.

Moral of the story: You might think I'm going to complain about people building rogue trails and non-approved features. While that does tork me off (and had I seen the responsible parties right after my crash, I would have been livid with them), I'm not. Morons who either know better or don't or going to be morons. The moral of the story: Control what you can control. Be smarter than me. NEVER ride a new feature until you've stopped and checked it out first.

If you notice a new feature (granted sometimes they sneak up on you), ride past it, check it out and make sure it looks legit. The instant I hit this berm, I knew I screwed up. Later, I was able to knock the entire thing down in about 20 seconds with my foot. I should have been suspicious immediately and checked it out before hitting it at a high speed.

Just because a feature is present on our trails doesn't mean a trained trail builder built it. Be smart. Inspect before riding. If you aren't sure, skip it. Ask on this forum to find out more.

Now back to my beer...