Some ON BIKE supplies you may want to have (jimithng23 carried a few of these already, but worth saying twice)

  • Hydration pack - 100oz minimum (holds roughly three hours worth of water)
  • Multitool with chain tool on it, or at least have a chain tool in addition to multitool
  • Chain links (having a SRAM powerlink is a good idea too)
  • Tubes (bring a least 2)
  • Patch kit (in case two tubes isn't enough)
  • CO2s and pump to use it (bring at least 2 CO2s)
  • Hand pump (this is in conjunction with CO2 pump in case you run out of CO2s)
  • Tire levers are a good idea too
  • Derailluer hanger
  • Water bottles to hold fuel such as electrolyte drink of choice
  • Fuel! - You want to be around 240-280 calories an hour to stay fueled but not fill like you're going to throw up. In conjunction with the electrolyte drink mix you should carry something to eat. Margarita favored shot bloks are tasty and have 3x the sodium then other shot bloks to help with cramping (doubt you'll have too much issue with cramping since we're not racing here, but I'll bring sodium capsules just in case). Bring a energy bar of choice, or maybe even a PB&J sandwich. And that better be a banana in your pocket because you'll be happy to see it mid-ride!
  • Additional Clothing - At a minimum bring a wind jacket. They pack up nicely and come in handy if it's chilly or starts raining (not great in the rain, but better than nothing). Arm warmers and knee/leg warmers are a good optional item to have as well. Arm warmers come in handy for medical emergencies too.
  • Medical supplies - Some gauze and tape for bleeding, something for a splint (back to the arm warmers...), and tweezers are a great idea (damn cactus's).
  • Butt butter! - Unless you have calluses in all the right... um, I mean wrong places like me a good arse cream comes in handy. You can get mini's to throw in your pack.
  • Extra derailluer if you got one (I'll try to remember to bring mine)
  • Optional - some good Colorado beer! (in cans of course)
  • Really optional - flash light, construction rated garage bag, lighter... never know when you'll have to overnight it... but I doubt this is going to be an issue.

If I'm forgetting anything post up.