The new trail is open and it's pretty great. We've tweaked a couple things and we have a few more that will probably get tweaked and its only going to get better.

I want to say thanks to the miriad of people who came out when they could to help out. Jake took on the deck bridge while I was working on the berm bridge while Mielke was taking on the dirt work. These were huge projects that would not have happened if it weren't for all of the people who came out when you could and helped out.

Some of you came out for an hour, some spent days, some worked for 30 minutes and drank all my beer, some worked their tails off... and drank all my beer, but if it weren't for every moment that you all spent helping, this trail still wouldn't be ready yet.

Sincerely, Jake, Aaron and I have talked repeatedly about the incredible amount of support you all gave this project to get it open by the Fest, and we most sincerely thank you.