What has happened to my beer-guzzling, ah-schucks, grungy rider gang?!? I hopped on my bike three weeks ago to get myself in at least good enough shape that I wouldn't puke or wreck myself at the Stampede (I don't think I'll puke but you can pretty much count on some wreckage) expecting to find other mutually stiff and slow FORCers to ride and drink Coors Light with. It's been 4+ long months of cold, crappy weather but instead of lazy, drunk, fat and stupid, I'm finding lean, mean, super-fast speedsters - and so far no beer! Oh, the humanity!!! The other day, two fellow riders were having a conversation. I closed my eyes and was sure that I was standing next to Armstrong and Landis...I opened my eyes and found that it was only Gunchie and Ray Ray (By the way, you two have lost enough combined weight from last year to make another mountain biker...I'll bet he's slow - can I ride with him???). From E Perry to Kings everyone is markedly improved from last year. At first I thought to myself: Self, your beer-drinking past time has morphed into membership on an elite training team. It's time to find a new group of dudes that are slower than you so you can feel fast again. Fortunately, that was only a fleeting thought. My prevailing decision is to join in and get after it myself - ride more, eat better, improve. To all who have worked so hard to this point: Congrats and well done! Also, thanks for the motivation. Now, promise me that at some point there will still be some silly, beer-drinking, good times later this year. I suppose one side benefit is that your tolerance is low so that when we do crack open some brews, the entertainment will just be beginning!

Now, it's 6AM on Thursday morning. You're just waking up...I'm heading to Sunderbruch for a spin.