Listen up EVERYONE!
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The story on KGAN channel 2: (ILT makes a brief appearance wearing a FORC shirt!)

The petition:

"The City of Marion Parks and Recreation Department has plans to give land at the top of the park's wooded hill to real estate developers interested in building condominiums. This is
being called a "land swap" and is an effort on the part of the Marion
Parks and Recreation Department to rectify its own mistake in encroaching on
private property when it did not abide to the original outlay of the new bike
trail as planned in conjunction with surveyors."

What the general public may not be aware of is the fact that the land the city gained was basically inaccessible! It was in a flood plain by a creek, surrounded by a housing development, Menards and a high ridge. Just b/c they gained otherwise crappy land so a multipurpose limestone trail could cut through from point A to point B; it shouldn't mean developers should get PRIME upland real-estate!

Don't do it for mountain biking.
Don't do it for disc golfing.
Don't do it for sledding.
Don't do it for preserving a separation b/w the park and buildings.
Don't do it for the wildlife.
Don't do it for preserving what little nature there is within the city limits.


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