I wanted to take a minute to let everyone know about the work this club's members have been putting in. Going through the Sunderbruch maintenance log and counting up the hours, I was floored by the amount of time you all have been putting in to building this trail. I just have to share my excitement.

In just the past 30 days, FORC members - veterans and rookies alike - have devoted over TWO HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN HOURS of their free time to help create what will be one of the coolest trails in the Midwest. This project is YOURS. There is absolutely no way Jubilee would ever be what it is going to be without all the sweat, blood, and beer poured into it's creation.

Here's another way to quantify how valuable your volunteer hours are. Nationally, the average value of one hour of volunteer time is $21.79, according to the Independent Sector's Value of Volunteer Time. That equates to $4673.96 in labor in just the last 30 days! Since FORC began the Jubilee Project in February, logging over 418 hours up until last night, FORC members have contributed $10491.89 in labor. That is absolutely incredible, and there's still trail to built and bridges to be constructed!

You are so close to finishing this project. I'm estimating 2, maybe 3 really strong dirt work trail days will get the remaining trail built. There is one bridge left that is in construction now, and there is another that needs some decking tacked down. Other than that, it's all dirt work from here <--- read: EASY!

I hope by reading this you share in my excitement. This is simply an amazing effort from a volunteer-only membership in such a short amount of time. We set out with a hugely ambitious plan to complete the Jubilee Project in time for the 'Fest and it's looking like you are going to make that happen.

I can't be more proud to be a member of FORC than I am right now. You guys are incredible. Thank you.