That's it?!? 2 LAMBONIANS and a fictional extraterrestrial being? Hmmmm...I thought this idea would "Fester" a little better response than this. It'd be nice to take the temperature of interest in this thing, before I devote too much brain power towards lining out the logistics. Please post up - Are you stoked to put the Quad Festa feather in your cap? Do you think that it's too much intensity and might squelch your Fester spirit? No worries in any case. I'd just like to know if we're looking at a group of 5 or if we have 10 - 15 adventurous souls who - in theory - want to give this thing a whirl.

The general plan is to wake up Sat morning and ride the vast majority of SCP at 8:30, eat a quick breakfast and head to SBP with Steward Mielke. After SBP, we'll drive to Sylvan and meet Steward Russhole with anyone else who wants to join in at that time. From there, we'll eat something (like a Bent River Uncommon Stout) and meet up with Steward Hanson with a group who just want to ride Illiniwek in Hampton. Once we finish off Illiniwek, we'll head back to camp at SCP, meet up with Steward AG and those who missed the 1st leg will have 2nd chance to finish off the Quad Festa at SCP. Of course, this will all be perfectly timed and coordinated like a bank heist in Ocean's Eleven (the original, Rat Pack, one not the one with that dude who's eating every scene) and will be run as smooth as a (knock off) Swiss watch.

Perhaps a special prize will be garnered by any and all who can prove they pulled the whole thing off in a day. So..."Sound fun, count me in" or "<Yawn> Tell me all about it when you get back?"