I will be there. Can't wait! Really hope this all-important message isn't lost in the shuffle. Great post, Mielke!

Quote Originally Posted by jimithng23 View Post
One last point I need to make, and it's VERY important --- if you've never built trail or if you've never built a deck or even if you've never run a weed whacker, we want YOU. Building trail is something that only takes about 10-15 minutes of swinging a Rogue Hoe and suddenly you're an expert. There will be plenty of peeps to provide direction and answer any questions that you may have.

We greatly encourage you to show up and help. This isn't the status quo. Seriously, come help. You'll have fun, trust me. You'll want to wear long pants, sturdy shoes, and a pair of gloves.

This club was built on 2 things (well, 3 if you include beer): The Sylvan Island Stampede and TRAIL DAYS. There's no way FORC would be what it is today if it weren't for the members, old AND new, that come out and volunteer their own free time to create a better riding experience for everyone...and, we have a damn good time doing it!