Another great year in the books! This event could never be what it is without all the people who step up to make things happen. The City of Moline has been a big supporter of our club and continues to help us when we go back to them every year. Thank you!

To all the people who came together and took leadership for their specific tasks, it's greatly appreciated. Without Vonda and her team in the registration tent doing everything from registrations, swag, data entry, merchandise, etc...we would be lost! You all did amazing! I can't thank you enough for coming out and helping in there.

Dave and Carol Brown as usual, were rock stars! Never heard one issue with the volunteers not knowing where they were suppose to be. Thank you for all that you do for this club!

AG helped with too many things to even count and I'm pretty sure Bob had a pretty good time out there setting and picking up bales of hay also! Thank you both. As always, Dirt and JB took care of the mic in style. Forcmeister, thanks for the guidance with you wealth of knowledge.

Thank you to all the volunteers who came out and helped on trail days and everything that needed to be taken care of leading up to the race. I think the potential for bad weather held some people back but we ended up with a near perfect day with some great racing. We had some great sponsors this year so make sure to check them out and continue to support the people who help put events on like this.

To all the racers who came out, I hope you enjoyed this event and will continue to come back.
