I was jacked up to go riding Thursday night after work. Problem was "after work" didn't happen until 7:00. Still enough daylight to get a lap in at Sylvan, right??? Wrong! Not when a train the length of Haley's comet is STOPPED on the tracks blocking my way. So I drove my happy ass all the way down to the Mark to get around and back to the park. When I decided it was getting too late, I was really pissed when I realized my obstruction was still in the way...back to the Mark I went (Oh, sorry, iWireless) then back to Centennial.
Anyway, since I'll be out of town this weekend, I am hell bent on sneaking a ride in before I go. So I'll be ringing in the holiday weekend with an early morning ride at Sylvan. I'm thinking whenever I get up...It'd be great to have some company if anyone else is up for it. Post up or call 940-9712.

If I don't see anyone have a Happy Easter or at least a really great, gettin-ready-for-the-race weekend. I'll be in Quincy getting fatter and slower.

Must get faster...