Fellow Adventurers!!!

The Great Mississippi River Adventure Series (GMRAS) Adventure Race will be held in the QCA and surrounding areas this year! We're still acquiring permits and permissions so the event is not 100% finalized but should be soon! The tentative date is set for Saturday, June 30, 2012. SAVE THE DATE! There will be a 12 & 24 hour event. This will be a supported race. Information will be posted soon at http://gmras.net/ Until then (or anytime!) please contact John or myself for details!

Disciplines will include orienteering, biking on both roads and trails, canoeing, hiking, a ropes event (undetermined), urban trekking, and a fun surprise event we think you'll love!

Sorry for the late notice but this is new terrain for us! PLEASE spread the word - if you're a member of FORC, QCBC, Cornbelt, QC Women's Outdoor Club or other affiliations, please post and encourage folks to come out and play! Should be a great race experience and we'd love to make this the biggest and best GMRAS ever! If you want to be involved but are not quite ready for the challenge, we need MANY volunteers and would greatly appreciate your support!

Please send email inquiries to rebeccahebelerpeterson@gmail.com.

Rebecca & John Peterson