For Cryin' out loud Dirt. Do you ever shut up? Since I will be on vacation next week, I have neither the time or the desire to continue to read your rhetoric. I can only assume that your compadres have to hear about it everytime they meet up or ride with you feel the same as they get it in person as well. You see, those meaningless trailhead games are in fact meaningless, to me. I am quite certain they are quite important to you though evidenced by your constant babble and your forum signature. I'm glad they're meaningful to you. At least you've finally found something you're good at.

I will worry not about you leaving me in the dust. Even though I'm 15 pounds heavier than I was last year, I have seen you ride (if that's what you call it). I do have a sneeking suspicion though that the moment you saw that I was joining the FORC crew this weekend that your training regimine began. Probably some spin classes followed by some basement or garage roller riding. Probably traded in your beer fridge for a juicer and bumped the 'roid dosage up a bit. I don't know why you've become so obsessed with beating me. I'm not a fast rider. I'm not even a good rider. But I suppose goals should be incremental and attainable. Your quest for the upper echelon of mediocrity is a sad thing to watch my friend.