This took a lot of planning, and I know everyone who heard was thrilled to join in the fun. I've got the pdf's of Forcmeisters shirt, I'll try to get them posted tomorrow, It just ain't gonna happen today.

Personally, Mountain biking has changed my life and I became involved through a couple of buds that were into it. My wife and I became obsessed with it, and became passionate about building trails and riding throughout the country through FORC. I know Rick has felt dissappointment due to not being able to continue the system formerly at Loud thunder (due to numerous things) because that's where it all started, and while it may not have turned out the way he thought it would- Rick, what you did there matters. It started it all in the QC, and it changed my life in more ways than you will ever know. You're my local hero, man. And Joan, for all the support you've given him- you are too.

Thanks for everything you guys have done. The best measure of success for a volunteer organization is that when you decide it's time to back off a little bit, other people who share your dream step up to keep it going. Rick, Joan, it looks to me like there is no shortage of people who share your love of off-road cycling. Nice job!