Oh, just to clarify... unfortunately..... yes unfortunately.... this was, well, um, Gunchie's untimely (and costly) mistake.

He was in a middle car lane and there was a merging car lane to his right. He wanted to be sure the merging car to his right saw him. So, he waited to make eye contact with the driver that was merging. Once that was achieved, he continued in the lane he was in. However, the traffic in front of him had completely stopped. With absolutely no reaction time to even get on the brakes, he went through the back of the stopped Nissan Xterra; landing fully in the back with only one foot out the now broken window... Gunchie looked up towards the driver and said...
"Dude, I am sooooo sorry!"

60-some stitches later, Gunchie is ok, well, I guess that's a relative term! This happened Thursday evening around 6pm. Today, less than 3 full days later, he was bombing down White Ranch! That my fellow Forc'ers is commitment and dedication!!!