DG, Its good to post this stuff up- don't take the lack of responses as meaning no one cares. There was some "weirdness" recently over actions taken to attempt to stop the horse enthusiasts from pretending they're too ignorant to understand the signage and continuing to crap and damage the Bike/Hike trails at Sunder that had FORCers picking sides and many on both sides declaring that they would forever leave if they didn't get their way- so this is just a touchy subject right now. Many just want to completely steer (PUN INTENDED!) clear of the subject for fear of offending other FORCers who were involved in the recent mess. Unfortunately, as long as equestrians continue to disrespect all other trail users at Sunderbruch by crapping on us, the subject won't go away.

In my opinion all members should help out and post pics indicating illegal trail usage by ANY users, or at the very least, let the Sunder steward know about incidents and give him the pics whenever possible. (The recent vid of peeps going down K-up is a good example.)

FYI- The Sunder steward is jimithng.