That is why we gave up on LT... we'd maintain the trails and people would take their horses out after rain, etc. and cause damage to the trail. Hoof pock marks everywhere and introduction of erosion issues (trenches being formed down hills from horse hooves sliding down the middle of wet trail hills). The long-time ranger out there was not supportive of biking nor was there any willingness to allow us to develop a separate trail system. Forcmeister worked tirelessly out there (for years) and tried working with the equestrians to no avail. There is a new Forest Preserve Committe Chairperson (Tom Rockwell) who took over for a person not at all interested in what bikers wanted. Not sure where Tom is on that matter, but the new ranger IS interested in biking out there.

Illiniwek Park is also owned by RI County and the Forrest Preserve Director is quite pleased with FORC's efforts out there though I think the ranger isn't entirely thrilled. Loud Thunder is also a RI County property and who knows what the future will hold in terms of their willingness, should we decide that this is a project we are willing (and capable) of taking on. Clearly the potential for an epic trail system is high due to the vast space and the change in elevation. The logical mind would think that if we proved ourselves with the Illiniwek Park project that RI County would be enticed to consider a separate mtn biking trail system at LT (the revenue aspect may interest them... attracting mtn bikers out to LT may result in dollars spent on camping fees, fuel and food purchases in the County's jurisdiction thereby contributing to the tax base. etc.).

Food for thought. We have a difficult time getting the work done at the parks we currently have (see Aarons post about trying to get weedwacking done) and adding to that at least at this point doesn't seem like a good idea (if the County was willing to allow us to build a separate trail system). And, of course, the idea for the future (if the membership felt it could handle the additional work load) would not be up for consideration unless the County was agreeable to a separate trail system (sans equestrians).