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Thread: I know where it is on BM! (computer)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Where everyone knows my name

    Default I know where it is on BM! (computer)

    Hey, Urbanbigfoot lost his bike computer and I know where he lost it...exactly!
    The GoPro reply shows that he lost it when he quickly dismounted 35 seconds into Blue Mound, right where there is a little white sign on the left, some roots and a few nicely placed rocks to cross.
    It should be on the left side of the trail across from the tree just b4 going down to the rocks.
    His bike laid over left in the weeds with his tires still on the trail.

    Would someone do me a big favor and try and find it? Please? Pretty please?

    Ya didn't see me do it. Ya can't prove it!

  2. #2


    Hey Chris,
    Met you guys today at Illiniwek. I am planning to head over to Sunder in the morning before work. I'll look for it if it hasn't been found already. I know exactly where you are talking about.

    I was telling my buddy Mike that I ran into some guys from Cedar Rapids today and realized that we probably met at the Forc party at his house this year. I live just down the street from Pags. I'll let you know if I find the computer.

    Subway Brian.

  3. #3


    Well, I was out there around 10:30 today. Walked up Kickapoo down and over to Blue Mound. Got to the spot and could not find the computer. I looked all around the area and kept my eyes peeled while walking the rest of the trail. Hopefully a Forcer made it out before me today and picked it up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Where everyone knows my name


    I put a video here ...
    to show and tell (audio narration about 23 seconds in) where exactly he lost it.

    Does this help Brian? Is this where you were looking?
    Can anyone else please help look for it?

    Ya didn't see me do it. Ya can't prove it!

  5. #5


    Spent most of my time looking on the left of the trail. I'll check the right side in the morning if I get a chance. I for sure had the right spot though.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Where everyone knows my name


    Thank you becadog! The more I watch the video, I noticed he hit it w/ some force. Maybe it stayed on the left but went down the hill a bit or went further into the weeds than I originally thought?
    Ya didn't see me do it. Ya can't prove it!

  7. #7


    Operation Computer Rescue '11 is a SUCCESS! Found it this morning. It was on the left like you thought, but was at the bottom of that little hill, about 7 feet off the trail under some roots and mud. It seems to be working fine, even after a days worth of rain! Let me know if I can send it your way or if you want to grab it next visit.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Interstate 80


    Quote Originally Posted by becadog View Post
    Operation Computer Rescue '11 is a SUCCESS!
    That's pretty cool...

    Haters gonna hate.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Where everyone knows my name


    becadog you da man!!! Thanks! Urbanbigfoot says to please hold onto it so he will have an excuse to make it back down to ride and pick it up. He will post up when he is heading down or you can PM me your cell and I will have him call you.
    Thanks again!

    Also, thanks to badfish41 for your efforts brotha!
    Ya didn't see me do it. Ya can't prove it!

  10. #10


    Hey Chris,

    Seems as if I am a few posts shy of being able to PM you or email you. My cell is (563) 676 3650. Call me anytime you guys are close so I can get that back to you. I'm probably going to have all sorts of ladies blowing up my phone now but I've been dealing with that for years.


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