Doing a Quadfecta? (4 systems in one day) All 4 parks combined, riding all the trails once is around 24/25 miles. The only problem we had when we did this was we started drinking after the 1st park, and since we were having fun we rode a LOT more than one lap at each park. By the time we got to the last park, it was getting late, we were hung over, hungry and rarin to get back to drinkin!

Sunder and Illiniwek are the only parks with tough climbs, Sylvan should be ridden as though it's just a big playground that you can't get lost on, cause it is. Scocopa is fast and flowy, but plenty of fun. At Scocopa, if you come to a trail on the right that has a small log crossing, and there is another trail about 10 ft farther up... head in the trail with the small log crossing. (the 1st one) This trail isn't super long, but it's crazy fun. Just look before you leap, be sure to gear down, and don't do anything you aren't comfortable with!

Have a great time!