A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that came out to help bring Sunderbruch up to snuff for the 'Fest!

I logged everyones hours in the Sunderbruch Maintenance Log...if you were there and I missed you, post your hours up in the Log.

We got a TON of stuff accomplished yesterday; it was truly a testament to this club and all of it's members - FORC'ers have a way of making things happen, even when we're crunched with time.

The next time you're out at Sunder for a ride, you're gonna notice a few slight changes in the trails:
1. At the top of Kickapoo Up the 3-way Blue/Green intersection is gone. Kickapoo up now goes nearly all the way to the blacktop, T'ing off of the Green Comlara Loop.
Important Note: Kickapoo Up is a ONE-WAY Bike trail (UP) & TWO-WAY Hike trail (UP & DOWN). This was done because of the potential speed of MTB's when traveling down (towards the parking lot) the trail, creating a dangerous situation between other riders and hikers. The signage at the top of the trail states this in clear terms.

2. The exit of Blue Mound has been extended to meet the Green Comlara Loop.

3. Kickapoo Down now has a true "entrance" off of the Green Comlara Loop.
Important Note: Kickapoo Down is a ONE-WAY Bike ONLY trail because of potential speeds of MTB's. We don't want to be blazing around a corner at Mach-3 and run into a hiker so for us MTB'ers, this is a huge benefit. ;-) The signage at the entrance and exit of KD states this in clear terms.

These changes were made to complete a full Green Loop while allowing the Blue-rated Kickapoo's to become a true "loop" and the Black-rated Blue Mound to become a true loop off of a Green trail, staying consistent with the rest of the system. Also, all of these changes are clearly marked with the brand-new shiny signs!

Once again, thanks everyone for helping out in the wretched heat yesterday...have a fantastic weeked!