Since when did we start referring to bikes as sleds?!? I lose access to the site from work for two months and suddenly I'm confused thinking we became a bunch of snowy-hill enthusiasts. Scary.

Gfarb, I think the most important thing to consider is the component group which everyone else has referred to. You mentioned that you are just getting in to it...Do you know which components are better than others? If not, let us know. Someone here can break it down for you. That would be the place to start. I'm pretty sure all the bikes you referred to should have nice component groups.

I will say that if this is your first - and main - mountain bike, I'd go hardtail all the way and here's why: 1) less crap to lube, break, learn, worry about. 2) better component group for the money. Finally, not to be taken lightly, 3) They tend to fit better on bike racks. I know some might roll their eyes, but if you're just getting in to it, the last thing you want is to have something that you have to fight with every time you want to go out for a 30 minute ride.

I tell you, I took a buddy to the Trek Store last year and got him set up with a Gary Fisher Cobia. It's a HT 29er with a nice component set up. I think the bike is sweet. I highly recommend it. It was right around $1k. Give a 29'er a spin before you settle on a FS 26er.

Oh, and leave the toboggans to AG and Gunchie. It's Springtime, baby, we don't need any more references to cold weather. Besides sleds are for little boys. (I guess so are bikes, but that's different).

See you and that shiny new bike on the trails!