Mtn bikers, how about mixing things up and blow the dust off your road bike??? TOMRV (and RAGBRAI alike) are pretty neat experiences, and while you'll not be shredding awesome singletrack, you will be riding a beautiful scenic route... on a BIKE... with other cool people, ok and maybe some less cool people, but never the less, riding a bike, outside with other people who love to bike, enjoying terrific sag stops and eating some serious good food at the end. Just throwing it out there. I am already signed up. 108 miles on day 1 from Bettendorf to Dubuque, 70 on day 2 (different but plenty hilly route).

Last year we had rain both days. CAVEAT: I will NOT ride in the rain this year regardless of being signed up in advance! Rainy weather will = Bexter at the movie theater for a day-long movie extravaganza!

Here are the details: