Now that we have the Stampede under our belts, time to look forward to our next event... the Garlic Mustard Challenge, Saturday, April 25, 2009. Because many of us have a wedding reception to attend the evening of April 25th, there will not be an official cook out as originally discussed. Here's the game plan:

Meet at Sunderbruch Park at 8:45 AM and plan to be on the trails by 9 AM pulling the Garlic Mustard. Bring large garbage bags to bag the Garlic Mustard. The bagged Garlic Mustard weeds will be picked up by the city and taken to the landfill. The Garlic Mustard pull will be 3 hours long from 9 AM - Noon and a bike ride will follow. A little work each year aimed toward erradicating these invasive plants is better than no effort! Hope to see you Saturday!