3 1/2 more days left to register in order to receive the coveted
2011 Midwest Mountain Bike Festival t-shirt FREE!!

A mere $20 gets you in for the whole weekend (camping / lodging not included) and includes endless hours of awesome mtn bike related activities, an IMBA educational summit (including lunch) and being able to say you hung out with the cool kids.
Don't forget to bring your favorite beer to contribute to the beer potluck on Saturday night.

And, we are also going to do a unwanted bike clothing swap. Bring whatever you don't wear anymore or haven't ever worn and we'll have a table to toss it on and maybe a newbie can get a few miles out of it. Things too small? Bring it! Things too big? Bring it! Just plain tired of it? bring it! Someone else might benefit from it. Anything that goes unclaimed will go to Goodwill at the end of the Fest.


Don't let it pass you by!

June 24-26, 2011 -- Scott County Park, Parkview, Iowa.