Quote Originally Posted by Russhole'72 View Post
Nope this baby is bolted on both ends and is probably 400 lbs.
nothing is imposssible. a battery powered sawzall or impact or a good ole wrench or ratchet and socket work wonders. a 400 lb obstacle is not that big of a deal if you can get willing people to help move it. i OWN a cum-a-long and nylon straps, clevis' and other stuff of the type. we moved a pretty big tree at illiniwek this way. its hard work and can take quite a bit of time, but again... NOTHING is impossible. i would come to help move it. plywood and a rope also work great for a sled type of moving pad. a buddy uses this to move BIG rocks around his yard for landscaping. WE CAN MOVE IT IF WE REALLY WANT TO.