AG isn't at a computer and asked me to post. THE RACE IS ON! He met with the Sco Co Pa park ranger this morning, trails are in FABULOUS condition (I really need Ryan Orr to tell you how FABULOUS they are for his ability to articulate is so much better than mine), and our weekend of racing, camping and fun is ON! We hope to see many familiar faces and new racers to check out our trails and better yet enjoy our hospitality. We love you guys!!

Race headquarters will be the Buffalo Bill shelter at which you will find ample parking (I think the parking lot there accommodates up to 80 vehicles), and for the love of God, FLUSH TOILETS (women all over the QCA are cheering about this)!

Don't forget that not only will there be mtn bike racing, but there will be plenty of time to just ride the trails as well. I am aware that there is a group ride in the planning phase for Sco Co Pa tonight. Scott County park has lovely camping facilities with flush toilets and clean shower facilities. There are play grounds for the kids and a newly rennovated swimming pool. Those who want to fit in a round of golf can do that just as easily at the beautiful golf course. Remote control airplanes bring joy to your life? Yup, the park has an air strip for that too.

Can't wait to see everyone this weekend. The CROSS COUNTRTY race is Saturday. The SHORT DIRT TRACK is Sunday. Come on out and make a weekend of it!!

Yours Truly,