Going to visit Gunchie the weekend of the July 23rd and we've got a spot or two that is unclaimed in the Van. Here's the poop as of today:

We want to ride Winter Park, keystone, and the DEnver Fat Tire Urban Assault while we're there. That's 3 days of hardcore riding and drinking, two days of sittin in a Van having a beer fart battle.

To make that happen, we'll prolly leave Wednesday after work- drive 4-6 hours and split a cheap and sleazy motel, drive the rest of the way on Thursday- arrive unload bikes and try a couple of Gunchies local trails.

Then Friday at Winter Park, Saturday at the Urban Assault, Sunday at keystone, back home late Monday night.

It is anticipated that this will be a cheap beer weekend and we're staying with Gunchie so costs should be as little or as much as you want to spend.

I'll try to get lift ticket, bike rental and estimated fuel costs posted up by this weekend. (I"M RENTING A MOJO!!)

Seating is extremely limited, look here for further updates. If you're reading this- you are eligable- but remember, this is a drive, ride, drink, drive filled 5 days and the itenerary is subject to change without much notice to accomodate what we all want to do next.

And I'll hit an extra anger management session before we leave- I promise!!