Ray's was friggin' sweet. I hope to remind you guys of that place every time we ride this year since I spent an entire paycheck on the clothes they had for sale. I think my wardrobe is set. I have yet to dig through the pics and vid I took while there...Hoping to make progress on that tomorrow. BTW, I need someone to help me figure out how to make this fancy camcorder I bought actually produce watchable videos...Anyone?

Okay...Ray's was great but am I the only one still coughing up black dust?!? I'm still trying to clear my lungs of the carcinogens I inhaled all weekend long. Wondering if I'm the only one...Maybe it was the dust or maybe it was the fact that I ran around tasted and shared beers this weekend with everyone like it was the first beer party I went to when I was 16. We're a lovey dovey sort a club, eh?

Until next year the memories of falling off the Red Bull wall and the 12 oz steak that is still stuck to my gut will have to last (Who orders a steak at noon from a place called Slim n Chubby's?!? BTW, still impressed by how Ol' Chubby takes it from Slim with a smile on his face...probably had to be there for that one).